Sunday, April 8, 2012

Jesus Did These Things For You and Me: 37

37 Jesus on road to Emmaus 36. Jesus spoke with two disciples as they walked to Emmaus. Luke 24:7

Their heads hung low, their spirits lower. All hope had been buried in a dark, damp, stone blocked tomb. What was started at “The Place of a Skull”, or place of calvaria, seemed finished on this fourth day. They drug their sandals in the loose clay as the road unfolded before them. There was no rush to Emmaus. Time had stopped and mattered no more.

As if from no where, a certain person joined them. He must not have been from the vicinity, as he seemed to know nothing of the past week’s events. Oddly, his consuming conversation revealed much to them about the “writings of Moses and the all prophets, explaining from all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.”

It was a sad indictment on them that they could not have put the puzzle pieces together themselves; but what a gracious savior Christ was to have laid it out for them. The courses of our own lives are much like this Emmaus Road. As we travel and inquire, Jesus  enlightens us through the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Those same Old Testament scriptures still reveal Jesus. Today we have the benefit of the New Testament. Let us not be as simple minded as the ones taking baby steps that first day of the Resurrection. Let us pray for wisdom and understanding each day, walking with Jesus by our sides.

He traveled with them then, as He will with us today.

Jesus DOES that,

for you and for me.

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