Sunday, April 8, 2012

Jesus Did These Things For You and Me: 36

36 Jesus rose from the dead 36. Jesus rose from the dead. Luke 24:3

At the close of the third day, the earth suddenly began to percolate. Birds scattered. Their cheerful chirping ceased as their feathers lifted them away in flight. On the hillside, pebbles clattered as they popped up and down in rhythm with the land. A streak of light crossed the dusky sky as a form with snow white raiment mysteriously lighted on the trembling barren ground. A pair of  frightened figures watched on as this angelic figure effortlessly rolled the massive barrier intended to seal Heaven to earth. Roman soldiers whose commission it was to secure the tomb, stood stone cold frozen in time as the Angel of the Lord perched himself valiantly upon the solid stone.

Those who came to anoint Christ’s body would find Him absent. Left behind were the linen wrappings and the head napkin, evidence of where He had been laid. Christ had risen, He had risen INDEED! Death could not hold Him. He had defeated its cold, dreaded, darkness and delivered salvation to us all!scroll In the distance were  the faint voices of celebration.  Peasant revelry rose as a  festive procession filled the countryside with laughter, song and musical instruments. Carried was the priceless sheaf of freshly cut barley  harvested to present at the Temple Mount. It was the Feast of First fruits and the offering had been chosen.
Consumption and handling of the spring harvest was forbidden until the first and best of the field had been dedicated unto the Lord. At the altar, the delicate sprouts were meddled with oil and frankincense and parched over the fire. As the pleasant aroma waft the air, the pan of Omer was gently waved before the Lord.

The Lord would receive the first fruits. It was due to Him and required of them.  In keeping this ordained feast, the Jewish people obeyed the commands of the Lord outlined in Leviticus twenty-three.scroll 2 On this Easter morning, Jesus was the first fruit offering. He carried His blood, shed on the cross, to the altar of the Lord. His sacrifice was found to be perfect and He became the substitute for all of us.

Let us sing Halleluiahs this morn as we acknowledge what Christ, the Messiah, has done. Let us lift our arms, waving them unto the God of Heaven who is well pleased with His son, Jesus. May we look to Jesus for our peace, our hope, our rest, and our salvation.

Celebrate this day that Christ rose from the dead! He did this

for you and for me.

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