Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spiritual Gifts Series ~ The Leader Organizer ~ Lesson Seven

Romans 12:6-8
We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.
If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith.
If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach;
if it is encouraging, let him encourage;
if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously;
if it is leadership, let him govern diligently;
if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully

Charles Stanley has written a powerful book entitled, Ministering Through Spiritual Gifts published by Nelson Impact. If you have not yet deciphered your own personal motivational gift, I would exhort you to follow my posts as I summarize Dr. Stanley's study from the In Touch Series. Dr. Stanley says, "I believe two things will happen as you truly understand who you are in Christ Jesus - and what your identity is within the Body of Christ. First, I believe you are going to be excited about your identity and the ways in which God desires to use you. Second, I believe you are going to be challenged to develop your gift and employ it to the best of your ability."

The person with the motivational gift of leadership, sometimes called administration, will be able to visualize God's plan for a situation. They are concerned that faith be put into action. They may be misunderstood because they are so driven to organize, lead, and direct others. We must recognize that the Lord directs the Universe and created it in a sequential manner. The Heavens and Earth have rules, rulers, and issues of authority. The one with the spiritual motivational gift of leadership demonstrates those Godly traits.

Motivational Gift of Leadership/Organization

Lead with diligence; be loving but bold; Nehemiah had the motivational gift of leadership.
See Romans 12:6; Jeremiah 29:11-13 “The one who stands out front.”

General Characteristics
1. Ability to see bigger picture and visualize the results; has great vision;
2. Ability to break major goals into smaller, achievable bite-sizes; can see one step at a time;
3. Motivated to organize whatever they’re responsible for; disciplined in an organized style. Wasting time is wasting your life.
4. Ability to know what resources are needed and how to reach them;
5. Ability to know what can and cannot be delegated
6. Remove themselves from distractions—recognize enemy keeping them from doing something;
7. Willing to endure reactions of others; willing to take criticism;
8. Loyalty very important; test the waters for loyalty; pain of disloyalty too deep to want to deal with it
9. Assume responsibility; will be accountable to project and to others;
10. Desire to complete the task ASAP;
11. Desire to move on when task is completed—go from one project to next. Need to be sure to check with the Lord to see if they’re doing their part.
12. Have a great joy and fulfillment in seeing completion;

Ways people with the motivational gift of leadership/organization are misunderstood:
1. Because are able to delegate responsibility, they may seem to be lazy
2. May appear to be insensitive
3. Neglecting to explain task may cause others to feel used.
4. May appear to view people as resources and not important
5. Because desire to complete task as swiftly as possible, may appear to not be concerned
6. May appear to show favoritism when single people out to delegate to

Walking in the Spirit
Take initiative
Take responsibility
Spirit of humility; respect you; don’t crush your spirit
Walking in the Flesh
Very disloyal