Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Little Leviathan as described in Job 41

Tucked in the Bible book of Job is an amazingly detailed description of a mighty sea creature named leviathan. The greatest fact about this account, in my opinion, is that it comes from the very mouth of God! As He speaks from the whirlwind, the creator of the universe takes the time to reveal physical, behavioral, and relational characteristics of one of His grandest creations. 

I chose to write this rhyming tale based on Chapter 41 of Job because it was intriguing to me that the Lord would elaborate so eloquently on one of His creatures. There is great diversity among Biblical scholars as to the identity of the leviathan. Some believe him to have been a crocodile or whale, others a dinosaur. As for me, I believe the literal context of Job 41 which I understand to be that leviathan was an extremely enormous sea creature whose identity and physique were familiar to the inhabitants of Israel in the time of the patriarchs. As stated by God, leviathan snorted and breathed fire, produced light, could not be trapped, had no fear, and played happily in the ancient waters.

As I researched Job 41 and leviathan I found many differing interpretations of its meaning in the natural and spiritual worlds. With an humble heart I studied and prayed, asking for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in understanding the course my writing should follow. I have included a discourse in the back of this book where I walk scripturally through a transition, I believe to have been shown me, from earthly to spiritual realm. Parents and teachers might find this to be a useful tool for discussion.

It is my desire that this tale bring the readers to a greater respect for the power and glory of our God witnessed through His own words concerning His creation, to an understanding of His divine providence over His beloved, to a great faith in the victory Jesus Christ has won over any enemies and all fear, and may it cause your heart to well up with praise for our most holy and benevolent God.
Little Leviathan is available on

Watch for "Little Jesus, the simple truth of His birth" on this October 2014.

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