Thursday, March 13, 2014

New Release: Little Lamb by Marion

We are pleased to announce that the second book in the series "Just Like Us" is now available on amazon.
In "Little Lamb", Marion has identified seven behaviors that all Christians could work toward which would make them more like Jesus. In addition, she has focused on four gifts that can be received from Jesus simply by asking and believing in His power.

All of our attempts to change will have no significance; however, until Jesus performs His first act in our lives. That happens when we accept the cleansing that occurred on the cross when Jesus covered our sins with His redemptive blood.

So many of us fail to embrace the character traits of the children of God. Perhaps if we were to begin at an early age, our lives would exemplify those characteristics of Christ that He identifies in His Word.

Several pages of scriptural instruction from and about Jesus are included in the back as well as a page of ideas for further developing the message of this book.

Ideal for Easter and in celebration of the coming of our Passover Lamb!!!

Also, check out Little Monkey, a story about teaching children through example. I have included important verses from scripture which are a Biblical foundation for children. They teach about God. God is sovereign. He is Holy. He is love.
And watch for Little Dove, coming in time for the celebration of the coming of The Holy Spirit at Pentecost!

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