Saturday, May 18, 2013

Story in the Stars: God’s Plan Revealed

On the Fourth day of Creation,
God created the stars... (Genesis 1:16) 
and He named them every one. (Psalm 147:4)

Isaiah 40:26 goes on to say that He calls them all by name. Through the names of the stars and their grouping into constellations, the story of the gospel is given to man in order that all have the innate knowledge of His glorious plan for eternity. The story begins with Virgo, the virgin and is consummated in Leo, the seed of the woman.


The Constellation Virgo represents the Virgin Mary who carries the seed of the woman who will be the branch of Jehovah. Jesus will be as the wheat which must fall in order for a bountiful harvest. Genesis 3:15; John 12: 21-24

Virgo final color


The Constellation of Libra represents the redemption power of the blood of Jesus. He shed His blood in order to pay the price for our sins. Only His sacrifice is sufficient to pay for our iniquity. 1 Peter 1:18-19

Libra scales final color


The Constellation of Scorpio represents the great enemy who attempts to steal the crown away from the True Prince of Peace. A battle rages throughout the ages which will end with the subduing of Satan, the enemy. Genesis 3:15; Psalm 91:13

scorpio final color


The Constellation Sagittarius represents the victory to be won when the arrow pierces the enemy represented in Scorpio. In Revelation 6:2, the Messiah comes carrying His bow. The conquering King.

Sagittarius final color


The Constellation Capricorn represents the sin offering sacrifice made by Christ. He took the sinners place and bore the punishment for our sins. Out of the goat comes new life, new covenant, and good news! Here is the truth that the seed of the woman would die and produce a living fruit. Out of death comes eternal life.John 12:24

Capricorn final


The Constellation Aquarius represents the pouring out of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost in the book of Acts. Christ is the giver of living water. John 4:14; 7:37

Aquarius final color


The Constellation of Pisces represents the sea of nations which will come into the Kingdom of the Lord. Some swim Heaven-ward while others through free will choose the way of the world. The band that ties them shows the bond and desire that not one be lost. For the fishers of men there will be a great harvest of the multitude. John 21:6

Pisces final color


The Constellation Aries represents the sacrificial lamb who is Christ the Lord. Revelation 5:12 "Worthy is the lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory and blessing."

Aries final color


The Constellation Taurus represents the time when Christ will reappear in the clouds to gather in His Saints. He will come to reign, redeem, deliver as well as judge. Jude 1:14b "Listen! The Lord is coming with countless thousands of His holy ones to execute judgment on the people of the world."

Taurus final color


The Constellation of Gemini represents the Millennial reign when there is complete harmony and unity between the Church and Christ. The twins pictured here are at perfect peace and rest. Revelation 22: 3-5

Gemini final color


The Constellation Cancer represents a stronghold for God people, safe within the encampment. The eternal reign of Christ will bring comfort and well being to His flock. Two stars are named for donkeys which have safely delivered its weary traveler. This glorious reunion is prophesied in Isaiah 60: 4-5

Cancer final color


The Constellation Leo represents Jesus, the lion of the tribe of Judah. The seed of the woman, the one who has trampled the enemy and is victorious over death. Revelation 5:5

Leo final color    
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I used the following references in preparing this blog:

Bullinger, E. W., The Witness of the Stars, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Kregel, 2003.

Fleming, Ken, God’s Voice In The Stars, , Dubuque, Iowa: ECS Ministries, 2012.

Seiss, Joseph, The Gospel In The Stars, Grand RApids, Michigan: Kregel Publications, 1972.

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