Monday, April 23, 2012

Jesus Did These Things For You and Me: 39

39 Jesus feeds fish
39. Jesus ate bread and fish after his resurrection. John 21: 4-13

I must admit that I am getting somewhat sentimental as this series draws to a close. As I have posted the illustrations and written my thoughts regarding each of the “things” Jesus did for you and me, I have  been teaching them to our Children’s Church. In discussing number 39 this past Sunday, I sensed that we all will miss our time spent with Jesus.

Studying about the things Jesus has done for us has drawn us closer to Him. Learning of His humanness, His caring nature, His giving nature, His love for His father, His compassion, His sacrifice, His godliness, all of these things have given us deeper understanding of who Christ is.

As we look at this week’s thing, Jesus ate bread and fish after His resurrection, we see the nature of His resurrected body. Not only was it glorious, His new body was of flesh and bone and was recognizable.  He ate food for sustenance. He nourished His new body. More importantly this new body was eternal and will never be destroyed.

Jesus continued to “feed” the disciples even through the forty days after the resurrection. He fed their bodies with fish and bread and He fed their minds with knowledge. This demonstrates to us that we can never have enough of Jesus. We are to continually invite Him to share our lives, as in doing so, He will sustain us and satisfy our souls.

As we count the days after the resurrection, looking to the fortieth day when Christ ascended to Heaven, let us continue to be mindful of the things He did, for He did these things,

for you and for me.

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