Thursday, July 2, 2020

The Witch Letters, Series Two, Book Four, Lottie & Friends

The Witch Letters
in pursuit of relationship,
with scriptural reference

My original intent in writing “The Witch Letters” was to pose a word of caution regarding what appears to be a growing loose attitude toward the practice of witchcraft. This is a real art which opens real pathways into the mind and soul. Children have very impressionable minds which without boundaries are susceptible to the influence of beliefs and practices that can be harmful.

Although I believe that my stated intent still comes through in this tale, I want to share how the power of the Holy Spirit redirected the story line. What I would have presented as a lesson or admonishment, The Lord clearly reshaped into a love story. It demonstrates the wooing of the creator for His creation, our Father’s desire to seek out His children, the extreme passion of our great Lord, Jesus, for relationship.

As I reflect upon the story as it unfolded, I find that it presents beneficial instruction regarding the path for followers of Christ. I would encourage the readers of this book to study this list. Discuss these elements and apply to your walk of faith.

1.     Often the Holy Spirit will begin moving on your spirit to encourage change and growth. 
We see this as the witch becomes discontent with the glass ball. 
Things of old no longer satisfy because our spirit is longing for the truth of Jesus.

2. That still small voice in your head which seems to tell you to do something could be the 
         voice of God nudging you.
We see this as the witch is moved to have an encounter with Lottie.
Be mindful that the Holy Spirit can speak to you. Listen to your heart. Test it with prayer.

3. It is common for humans to try to get their joy from things that sparkle and shine.
We see that the witch’s first attempt to lure Lottie was with a beautiful orb.

Set your eyes on the things of God and His Kingdom. They will bring you real joy.

4. If you are unprepared for the test, you might stumble and fail when it shows up.
We see that Lottie knew immediately how to respond based on scripture.
Study and know what The Word of God says so that when temptation comes you are prepared.

5. One tactic of the enemy is to lure you with things that you think to be 
We see that the witch offers Lottie objects that draw power not of God.
Research the source of things new and different before you embrace them.
6. The enemy would love to have you “play” with him for a while.
Lottie did not accept any of the witch’s toys. She rejected them and walked away.
Do not hang around to experiment with things that the devil embraces.

7. God is always with you. Jesus is always with you. The Holy Spirit is 
always with you.
Lottie was confident in what she understood the scriptures to say.
Be secure and trust in the ways of The Lord. Stand Firm.

8. When you need confirmation, God will send it to you. Do not be afraid 
to ask.
Lottie knew that she was supposed to do something. God sent her an 
Trust that God is working in every situation even if you cannot see Him there.

9. All power and authority come from the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; His son,
        Jesus Christ; and His Holy Spirit.
All of what the witch offered was not of the God of Heaven.
Anything that does not glorify the triune God described in 
Genesis 1:26A (KJV) “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:” is false.

10. Know that you are precious in God’s eyes. You are His beloved.
Lottie was prepared to share God’s love with the witch. Lottie knew He loved her, would save her, and forgive her.
Share Jesus with everyone knowing that He will welcome them into His Kingdom.
So what we have here is a story about a young woman who was delving into things that were not good for her when she has a life changing encounter with her savior, Jesus. She is no longer known for the actions in which she once participated. She becomes known for who she is, His beloved child!

Enjoy the story,

Listen to the author reading this story on YouTube at: TheWitchLetters

Downloadable free coloring packet to accompany this book: 

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