Thursday, July 2, 2020

"Dance and Shout" a unified celebration of God's greatness

It has been on my heart to put together a piece of work that has the sole purpose of praising our great God, the creator of the universe and all things within it. I sat with my Bible and wrote the highlights of His works since His creation of the stars, the sun, the moon, all that is in the heavens to the days of King David who danced in the streets of Jerusalum and his son, Solomon who oversaw the building of the temple. 

All of our worship is preparation for what is to come when we all bow before the throne and join our collective voices with that of the saints and the angels and declare, “worthy is The Lamb.” At that time we shall see the admonition, “let all that hath breath praise The LORD,” come about. Oh, what a glorious sight that will be when all the nations of the world kneel in reverence to The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Please join the characters of Lottie & Friends as they perform a unified celebration of God’s greatness. I have provided a picture representation of the entire performance in the last pages just in case the readers want to put on a performance of their own!

May you find great joy in worshiping and praising our worthy LORD...

Link to author reading Dance and Shout on YouTube: Dance and Shout video

Download a free packet with the script and dance movements for kids to reenact a play of their own making. Also encourages them to make their own musical instruments like those in "Dance and Shout."

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