Sunday, July 18, 2010

Petition and Praise of the Gulf Waters Unto their Creator

Cry out to him, ye creatures from deep
From ages of old, his promises to keep
Bend down your ear, we call upon you
Consider our thoughts, your miracles to do

The deep lifts up its voice, its mighty crashing waves
In praise of how your love so marvelously saves
The Deep calls unto deep, in roar like waterfalls
The creatures of the sea, in cries and desperate calls.

The multitude, fishes in the sea
All inhabitants, that under water be
O pelican, stately on the sand
Ye men casting nets, ye marsh and sandy land

The deep lifts up its voice, its mighty crashing waves
In praise of how your love so marvelously saves
The Deep calls unto deep, in roar like waterfalls
We creatures of the earth, know ye created all.

Sprawling ocean, ye shouting river banks
Crab, shrimp, and oyster, with red fish in your tanks
Declare to Him, His authority
O Lord bring forth your hand, restore and cleanse our sea

The deep lifts up its voice, its mighty crashing waves
In praise of how your love so marvelously saves
The Deep calls unto deep, heaven and earth rejoice
We creatures of the earth, lift praise to thee in voice.

illustrated by Kat Ford, July 2010
written by Marion Richardson, June 2010
dedicated to the people of the Gulf Coast oil spill 2010

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