Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas, Away in The Manger this Year, 2014 update

I laid awake the other night, contemplating all of the events and activities looming over my head this holiday season. Things like decorating, shopping, and sending cards seemed to keep me from what I really wanted to do which was think on Jesus and His birth in the manger. I had gone to bed privately rebelling against Christmas stocking stuffers… “when would enough be too much?” I sighed.  The flame of my spirit fluttered and wept, I just wanted Christmas to be about other things.

It was in that setting that a little song grew in my heart. As so often happens when my head is on the pillow, things sounded so lovely and the words simply flowed. “I just want a Christmas away in the manger this year,” I confessed as I pleaded with Jesus to slow me down so I could truly remember what His birth means to me.

Knowing that come morning none of these words would be remembered, I rose and hastily scribbled down the chorus on a spiral notebook that I keep handy. I then returned to my singing and what turned out to be a very restful sleep.

In the morning, as predicted, I could not seem to recall the melody much less the words I had sung. As the day went on; however, snippets came back to me. By evening, I had recorded into the “Garage Band” application of my ipad a rough version of the song I had prayed the previous night.

I am still working on figuring out the notes and anticipate that this song will be something special to me for all my Christmases. Once I get it into an acceptable version, I will attach it to this posting.
For now, here are the lyrics. I pray they will minister to your spirit this Holy Christmas Season, and May you too have a Christmas Away in a Manger This Year!!!


from Marion's children's book: Jesus Did These Things for You and Me.

Away in a Manger This Year
By Marion Richardson

I just want Christmas to be hosts of winged angels
Come from Heaven, filling up the starry sky.
To be Mary and Joseph with Jesus
As the Heavens tell His glory with their light
To be shepherds and Magi with presents
Come to wonder at this Holy baby child.

I just want a Christmas away in the manger this year.

So slow me down Jesus
Fill my longing spirit
With joy overflowing
This Bethlehem night.

I just want Christmas to be witness to our savior
Who left Heaven when He saw our lowly plight
Just want Christmas to be for the lost and hurting
Those who weary from the burden of the fight
I just want each and every person to know Jesus
As the babe, the man, the God we crucified.

I just want a Christmas away in the manger this year.

So slow me down Jesus
Fill my longing spirit
With joy overflowing
This Bethlehem night.

I just want Christmas to bring worship, praise, and glory
To the one who holds creation in His hands
I just want Christmas on my lips this Holy season
As I contemplate the wonder of His love
I just want Jesus in my heart my soul my spirit
I just want a Christmas away in the manger this year.

So slow me down Jesus
Fill my longing spirit
With joy overflowing
This Bethlehem night.

sig red

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