Monday, January 23, 2012

Forty Things That Jesus Did For You & Me: 6 ~ 8

p6 Jesus received the blessings
6. Jesus received the blessings of Simeon who called Him “a light for revelation”. Luke 2:32

Simeon had frequented the Jerusalem temple  for most of his many years awaiting the one “to come and rescue Israel”. Luke 2:26 says, “The Holy Spirit was upon him and had revealed to him that he would not die until he had seen the Lord’s Messiah.”

That day, the spirit led him to the temple  where Mary and Joseph brought Jesus for dedication. Simeon with revelation, “took the child in his arms and praised God, saying,

Sovereign Lord, now let your servant die in peace, as you have promised. I have seen your salvation, which you have prepared for all people. He is a light to reveal God to the nations, and he is the glory of your people Israel!” (Luke 28b-32)

There were a number who testified to the Kingship of this child of Mary’s. John the Baptist, still in his mother Elizabeth’s womb, leaped within her as Mary entered their home. The angel of the Lord visited Mary and Joseph to foretell of this “Son of the Most High”.  An angelic host appeared before shepherds to declare their joy in His arrival. Here, before Simeon, who has waited his whole life and  Anna, prophetess, and aged widow, is the Christ child.  Indeed, the good news of the birth of the Messiah was proclaimed extensively throughout the land.

Although at this point, Jesus is an infant, remember that before He came to earth, He was with God in Heaven. The Holy Spirit was instrumental in preparing the way of the Lord. He enlightened Elizabeth, Simeon, and Anna as to the identity of this swaddled child.

The testimony of these witnesses allows us today to read about those to whom he was revealed two thousand years ago. The Holy Spirit moved on them then to direct them to the Savior. He does the same today in order that the lost might be saved.

Jesus received the blessings then, so that we might receive the blessings of knowing him as Lord and savior now.

Jesus did this thing for you and me.

p7 Jesus escaped to Egypt copy
7. Jesus and his parents escaped to Egypt until it was safe to return to Nazareth. Matthew 2:23

Jesus was just a toddler when death first came calling. The Magi went to Herod in search of the newborn “King of the Jews”. The star led them to Bethlehem where they presented precious gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Their joy at the sight of Jesus was in sharp contrast to the wail heard from Bethlehem when Herod’s soldiers carried out the decree to destroy all male children two years and under.

The Lord provided the resources for the quick flight the threesome would need make to Egypt by means of the gold and oils. He provided the warning in a dream. “Get up! Flee to Egypt with the child and his mother.” The angel said, “Stay there until I tell you to return, because Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.” He provided more confirmation that this was part of a divine plan in the prophesies found in the Old Testament books:

Psalm 72:10b “The eastern kings of Sheba and Seba will bring him gifts.”

Isaiah 60:3 “All nations will come to your light; mighty kings will come to see your radiance.”

Hosea 11:1b “and I called my son out of Egypt.”

Jesus’ life was in danger even as a child. At the beginning of His ministry in Galilee the dangers would return and grow until death again cames calling. Jesus followed His earthly father’s will just as he followed His heavenly father’s will. The path was laid out for Him and He was obedient.

Just as God gave Joseph, Mary and young Jesus provision, warning, and confirmation, so too will He orchestrate the path of those who follow Him. Do as Jesus and walk your path obediently. Jesus did.

Jesus did this thing for you and me.

p8 Jesus grew and became strong copy
8. Jesus grew and became strong and the grace of god was on Him. Luke 2:40

Jesus spent His childhood in Nazareth. There He was free to play and romp in the rural atmosphere of that quiet country village. Not much is written about those youthful years except to say that “There the child grew up healthy and strong. He was filled with wisdom, and God’s favor was on him.”

I wonder what it was like for the Lord of all the earth, the one who was there at creation of the universe, to be in the body of a little boy in Israel. What was it like for Him to watch the gentle flight of the birds of the air after  being there when they were first designed and named. What of the lilies in the field and their beauty, their fragrance, their intricacies? What did He hear when the wind whistled through the golden fields of grain? What wisdom and knowledge could He impart regarding the grapes on the vine, the oil of the olive, and the fish of the sea?

The child Jesus was strong physically as in stature. He was mentally strong as filled with wisdom. He had favor from the heavens as from God and on earth as from man. Our Jesus was being prepared for a ministry that traversed Heaven to Earth and back again only to one day bring him back to earth again. Our Jesus IS strong, IS wise, IS in the favor of God and Man. Our Jesus, yes it was our Jesus who

did these things for you and me.

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