Sunday, February 14, 2010

Spiritual Gifts Series ~ Prophecy ~ Lesson Two

Romans 12:6-8
We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.
If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith.
If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach;
if it is encouraging, let him encourage;
if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously;
if it is leadership, let him govern diligently;
if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully

Charles Stanley has written a powerful book entitled, Ministering Through Spiritual Gifts published by Nelson Impact. If you have not yet deciphered your own personal motivational gift, I would exhort you to follow my posts as I summarize Dr. Stanley's study from the In Touch Series. Dr. Stanley says, "I believe two things will happen as you truly understand who you are in Christ Jesus - and what your identity is within the Body of Christ. First, I believe you are going to be excited about your identity and the ways in which God desires to use you. Second, I believe you are going to be challenged to develop your gift and employ it to the best of your ability."

The following notes apply to the individual who has the motivational gift of prophecy. Remember, the title "prophet" in this case is used as a broad label for the person who has the personality traits listed. DO NOT confuse this as a label declaring this individual to actually BE a prophet. The reason for finding oneself in one of the seven motivational gifts is for self reflection on what motivates one to be intentional and purposeful in the Christian community.
Motivational Gift of Prophecy
exposing, declaring, proclaiming about the Kingdom
Peter had the motivational gift of prophecy.

General Characteristics

1. Express themselves
2. Discern other’s motives/heart and correct them
3. Are wholehearted to get the job done; have no patience
4. Are open to correction
5. Are open to commitment; loyalty is very important to them
6. Are willing to suffer—are obedient to what Christ told them to do
7. Find endings of relationships very painful
8. Are very grounded in the Word of God
9. Are not loners; being with people stirs their motivational gifts
10. Find everything to be black or white/right or wrong (no gray areas)
11. Do not want the details
12. Are frank
13. Are often misinterpreted in a group setting—one has to be quick to ask a question or they lose interest
14. Make good decisions
15. Have public boldness
16. Are “popular;” people like to be around them
17. Are task-oriented

(The motivational gift of prophecy is not to be confused with the office of the prophet.)

Strive to be walking in the Spirit:
Truthful Deceptive
Committed to obedience and righteousness
Sincere and meaningful
Committed to morality (keep themselves clean and pure)
Bold and confident
Very forgiving
Persevere; go for the long haul

Work at not walking in the Flesh:
Deceptive; lie a lot
Willful and very rebellious
Hypocritical; Agitated
Immoral; get into impure relationships
Very fearful and ineffective
Refuse correction, refuse to repent; are bitter, angry, resentful;
use alcohol, sex, drugs to dim these feelings
Reject others; disconnect from others
Inconsistent; say one thing and do another
Warlike conduct