Saturday, May 29, 2010

Psalm for America ~ Memorial Day 2010

Psalm for America

America, call upon the Lord thy God. Shout His name in praise! Trust Him with your prayers.
Bountiful is your land, oh nation of blessings! Beseech Him to turn His eyes back on the people.
Cry out, cry out! “Repentance is on our tongue, oh high and mighty God of the nations!
Dry is the desert of our souls without the watering from your spirit. Return to us, we pray!”

Escape from wrath and judgment, oh ye people of the land. Turn to His glory for renewal.
Fruitful are the plains, oh nation of freedom! Entreat Him to return His mantle of grace.
Groan, oh spirits groan! “We lift our collective voices to the just and merciful God of nations!
Hope flows from the depths of our inner being. Share your presence like a banner over all.”

Independence reigned in the bells of freedom. Send comfort and assurance for redemption.
Justify the claim to victory, oh proud nation of warriors! Pursue His shield of protection.
Knowledge remains our sword! Send wisdom oh omniscient God of the nations!
Linger within our hallowed walls. Sustain your people with your infinite goodness!”

 Magnify your praise with thanksgiving, oh righteous people. Expect provisions ye homeland.
Numerous are the resources, oh golden land of riches! Court His favor on your labors.
Obedience no longer flows from conviction. “Let your commandments guide us, oh God.
Patience is our plea before your throne. May delight come at your divine appraisal.”

Quench your thirst with His unchanging character. His hand is a hedge upon His people.
Royal are the vats and coffers, oh land of mines and rivers! Waste not His ancient giftings.
Satisfy your desires with the plenty. “We reserve our worship for the God of our nation!
Tolerate our slothfulness. Time has called us into correction. Treat us with compassion.”

Understand our humanity we pray. Cover our countrymen with your sanctification.
Vulnerable we were to temptation. Allow us to raise our hearts in repentance.
Wash away our iniquities. Welcome our offerings of contrition and praise, oh God!
eXtinguish our greed. Purify our intentions. May we humble ourselves at thy feet.”

YAHWEY, you are the only peace. Let the eagle soar to heights again, we plead.
Zion, let us not forsake your side. Forgive, yet forsake us not, oh God, of these United States!”

by Marion Richardson; April 20, 2010

This Psalm for America continues to resonate
 in my heart and draws me to the Lord of all nations.
On this Memorial Day in memoriam of those
family members who fought to serve this
great nation and keep freedom ringing across her land.
The photograph of the flags was taken on Memorial Day, 2010. These and many more flags were posted in the field of the VFW Post in Estancia, New Mexico. The photograph was taken by Marion Richardson.

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