Saturday, February 13, 2010

Nothing New Under the Sun

When is the last time you had an close encounter with a creature currently being referred to as a "tween"? These are the young students found in our country's middle schools. Everything about them is in a state of change from their hormones to their voices to their clothing and their friends. I would venture to say the only indisputable statement would be that they want no interference from an authority figure!

Both of my children are in their twenties and well on their way to being responsible young adults. I left middle school, along with them, almost a century ago. I only recently went back as a volunteer in the science laboratory. As the old addage goes, "some things never change". Especially the ever changing lives of the pre-teen.

Their social groups and friendships can change as often as their fashion sense, which, in case you were unaware, is daily! With no warning, no explanation, dulls-ville becomes drama 101. Each day introduces a new personality. Like the weather, if you do not like it, give it a few minutes. It will change!

But, as is written in the book of Ecclesiastes 1:9 (NIV) "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." Look back at old snapshots. This generation is no different than those of the past. Granted, their trials and challenges are of a new nature. The world is more accessible as a result of cell phones and the internet, but their actions and reactions closely mirror those of most adolescents from any generation.

It is on my heart to encourage engagement with these, our future citizens and decision makers. Seek an audience with the youth of our families, communities, churches, and schools. Show them that others have a genuine interest in them. Listen to the stories they might have to share. Compliment them on their choice of shoes, hair style, or clothing. Make observations which are non judgmental. Ask open ended questions to draw them out and engage them. In short, be the person that allows a part of their world to be safe: understood, unchanging, unquestioning, non confrontational, non judgmental, non threatening. M