Saturday, January 16, 2010

In Praise of Sleep

I have always been a big advocate for sleep. I have a magnet on my refrigerator that reads: "I've so much to do, I'm going to bed". You can imagine how pleased I am to report that some of the latest studies coming out report the benefits of 7 - 9 hours of sleep per night. As Benjamin Franklin wrote: "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." Well, here is some support for that thinking:

The following benefits come from resting early and enough:
  • boosted immunity (those without are 3 times likelier to catch colds)
  • less prone to being overweight (the hormones ghrelin and leptin which regulate diet are disrupted with lack of sleep)
  • lower risk of heart disease and diabetes (lack of sleep increases stress)
  • heart will be healthier (lack of sleep worsens the blood pressure and cholesterol)
  • more energy, alertness, and memory
  • less likely to get cancer (level of melatonin, which protects against cancer, is effected in persons who are exposed to light late into the night)
  • experience less stress (as bodies of those deficient in sleep go into a state of stress)
  • a healthier body (as stress raises inflammation levels which tend to deteriorate your body)
  • cells are repaired (cells produce protein which forms building blocks and allows the cells to repair themselves during sleep)
  • less chance of depression (sleep enhances production of serotonin, a deficiency in this chemical can promote depression)
If that is not enough to convince you, the book of Psalms states in Psalms 127:2 (TLB)

"It is senseless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night,
fearing you will starve to death; for God wants his loved ones to get their proper rest."

If you are still not buying it, go ahead, stay up late. But for me... I'm off to bed! M

You and your doctor should make responsible decisions regarding your health.

Please do not rely on my comments and opinions for your diet choices.