Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day Five: Putting on the Armor

I would be remiss if I did not include an exhortation concerning the full armor of God from Ephesians 6:10-18 in my first week's postings. As a young Christian, I read and studied this very popular scripture. It is a good one for sermons and for Sunday School lessons as the visual implications are so strong. We can all recall images of that handsome Roman soldier decked out in his full uniform of the helmet, shield, breastplate, belt, sword, and sandles. My how that scripture appeals to our imagination!

It wasn't until a few years ago that I started taking the words of the Apostle Paul to heart. He tells us to literally put on that armor every day.... now how do we do that? None, at least few, of us have a set of Roman armor hanging in the hall closet and those of us who do are probably saving it for Halloween. It is not practicle to actually wear this stuff each day. Well, it isn't, is it?

Actually, we can wear this armor every day. We wear it in the spirit. And in the spirit is exactly where the battle is being fought. 2 Corinthians 10: 3-4 reads: "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)". There is, at all times, a battle being waged in the spiritual realm. In order to protect ourselves, we must put on this armor daily. We do so by praying the passage from Ephesians over our lives (and of others) each and every day.

I taught myself the pieces of armor by imagining myself putting it on. First, I put on the loin cloth of truth.  It gets buckled around my waist. In Roman times, around AD 60, this was a leather belt with an apron which hung from it. It "prepared" the soldier for battle, clinging closely to the body and shielding vulnerable areas of the body. For you and me, it prepares us to defend ourselves against attack. We need to be ready and not caught unaware.

Second in our ensemble is the breastplate of righteouness. This is fastened around the chest and it protects the vital organs. It keeps arrows from piercing through to the heart and lungs. The symbolism here is that we have accepted the righteousness of Christ, we are standing firm against corruption, and we know that God promises protection to those who believe.

Next, we grab that shield of faithfulness. This is not a light-weight piece of tin. It usually stood four feet long and three feet wide. The Romans drenched their shields in water so that flaming arrows would be extinquished. For us this is a protection against temptation and distraction. Just like the Roman soldiers, when we stand together with our fellow believers, we make a pretty formidable wall.

Now for the sword that is His word! Two foot long, crafted of iron, it presses back the enemies one step at a time. It is the only offensive weapon and it will defeat the enemy's plan and rescue lives. Remember that during the trials of Christ in the wilderness, He used scripture to combat the devil's wiles. In order to be quick at the draw, you better have some verses memorized!

Top this all off with the helmet of salvation. Like the Roman's, you can put a plume of horse's hair on yours, but I would probably have to insist on either peacock or pheasant feathers. Just my personal taste! Anyway, this protected their skull and neck from weapons and falling debris. It is our assurance that we are saved by the precious blood of Christ, our freedom and ultimate victory over sin.

Lastly, come those shoes... the sandles of peace. No soldier can march without sturdy shoes. These prevent slipping in battle and standing firm in rank. Once we wear the sandles of peace, we no longer are in conflict in our spirit or with that of other believers.

So, repeat this each day and you will be fully equipped:

Lord, I pray that you will gird me with the loin cloth of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faithfulness, the sword that is your word, the helmet of salvation, and the sandles of peace.

Personalize it to your own life and make it comfortable for you, but do not get out of bed without the full armor. It is Biblical and it works!  Ephesians 10: 18 "Be alert and keep on praying for all the saints." M

Find out more about this subject on the web site: Real Armor of God
Find a downloadable image at Rose-Publishing